Edmond Jouve
in Léo Matarasso, Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
I loved the company of this seasoned activist who had been ahead of us in defending the rights of peoples in the Russell Tribunal and wherever human rights were at risk in the world. I loved to meet him in his office on the rue de Toumon (lined with masterpieces) and in his tiny kitchen (where he had built up a sort of small museum). We would have him tell us about his most resounding pleas and his most incredible adventures. We would listen to him for hours, captivated by his bewitching and charming voice.
He was for me an example of rectitude, courage and selflessness. I learned a lot from him. Although we agreed on the essentials, there were differences of opinion here and there. I think he didn’t like my forays into North Korea. My phrase “the State is sometimes a people gone wrong” made him jump. But he knew how to forgive what he considered to be incongruities.
Thank you Léo, for teaching us to be demanding of ourselves and others.
Jouve, Edmond
in: <strong>Léo Matarasso,
Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
Milano, maggio 2009</strong>