Gustave Massiah
in Léo Matarasso, Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
Nuri’s discretion did not hide his strong presence. When he passed somewhere, there were a few things that were moved around, but afterwards you realize that many essential things have changed.
In any situation Nuri listens attentively with a big smile, he enjoys the discussions and knows how to appreciate the confrontations at their right measure. At the right moment, taking advantage of a lull and a propitious moment, he proposes an obvious exit that does not humiliate anyone and that saves the possibility of continuing to engage together.
Nuri was an activist who knew how to put all his skills at the service of his commitment.
As a lawyer, he was always available to defend civil and political rights. But he also knew the fragility of those whose lives were threatened, and he knew how to give all his availability and his friendship. There was no border between his office and his apartment, and so many prosecuted people from so many countries can testify to all that Nuri brought them.
Nuri was very strongly involved in the International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, which supported the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal. He knew and defended with talent the complementarity between the rights of peoples and fundamental, individual and collective rights. He reminded us of this a few weeks ago on the occasion of an evening of homage to Léo Matarasso.
Nuri was also very committed to the defence and advancement of international law. He was a passionate advocate of the protocol for economic, social and cultural rights. He knew well that international law is not a point of arrival, that it is just a point of departure, a point of support for the popular struggles that alone can make a difference.
He often explained that social forums, by strengthening social and citizens’ movements, opened new perspectives for radical social transformation and new alternatives.
Nuri had participated in the creation of Attac from the beginning and was actively involved in it. He missed few of the Summer Universities. Two years ago, he had led a seminar for Attac on environmental rights and their place in international law. He had shown a formidable knowledge crossing with mastery his knowledge of international law and his ability to grasp all that the social, environmental and freedom movements carry.
It is a great sadness to lose Nuri’s courage, elegance of thought and great humour.
in: <strong>Léo Matarasso,
Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
Milano, maggio 2009</strong>