Dear Piero Basso,
It is with emotion that I receive your invitation and, of course, I would have liked to be with all the friends who will be in Paris on 6 December to talk about Leo Matarasso and his action within the League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples.
Unfortunately, at the same time, I am invited to give lectures on Western Sahara at two universities in South Africa.
The topicality of the Algiers Declaration is obvious to me and I deal with it every year in my course at the University of Brussels. It is also in this spirit that I relaunched the project of a Tribunal on Palestine and that I still regret that the Peoples’ Tribunal could not join it.
I am sending you our appeal on this subject.
Yours sincerely,
Pierre Galand.
Galand, Pierre
in: <strong>Léo Matarasso,
Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
Milano, maggio 2009</strong>