Ken Coates
in Léo Matarasso, Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
I am very sorry that I am unable to join you in Paris on December 6th, for the celebration for the commemoration of Leo Matarasso. My vision is impaired, and I find it very difficult to travel without a minder.
But I remember Matarasso very fondly. I went to see him when we were gathering the expertise that was necessary to the conduct of the first Russell Tribunal on Vietnam. This was before the various disputes within the Tribunal, which resulted in the separation of the London and Paris offices, and the transfer of the effective part of the work to Paris. I did what I could to prevent that dispute from escalating, and fortunately, the conduct of the second session was entirely successful. Matarasso played an important role in that Tribunal, before he joined in the work of your father’s initiative for Latin America.
He should be remembered very warmly for his tireless commitment and work. So I will be with you in spirit, even if the flesh is weak!
With very good wishes to you and all the other friends!
Ken Coates
Coates, Ken
in: <strong>Léo Matarasso,
Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
Milano, maggio 2009</strong>