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How much we miss you

    François and Lucienne Rigaux

    in Léo Matarasso, Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi

    Dear Leo,

    We still think of you and talk about you often. Even those who were only able to attend this meeting because they wanted to, want to tell you how much they miss you. The warmth of your friendship, your enthusiastic words were a joy for all those who knew you.

    You are also missed by the victims in whose service you placed your eloquent word.

    During the deliberations of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, you opined with wisdom, after having carefully followed the debates, and you made sure that the forms were strictly respected during the drafting of the sentence. There is nothing like an experienced lawyer to make a good judge.

    Your admirers and friends do not forget you. You remain a sure guide for the continuation of the work in which we have been involved for some twenty years.

    With all our affection.

    Francis and Lucienne

    Rigaux, François


    <strong>Léo Matarasso,
    Seminario del 6 dicembre 2008, Cedetim, Parigi
    Milano, maggio 2009</strong>


    Léo Matarasso