Léo Matarasso
in Peuples/Popoli/Peoples/Pueblos n.ro 7 Novembre 1985
This was then the role that the Authors of the Declaration recognized to the United Nations.
Ever since, this role has continued to grow. Now, however, there seems to be a general offensive, basically on the part of the U.S.A., against the United Nations’ system.
This offensive was made clear recently in two occasions:
1) The U.S. has simply withdrawn from UNESCO.
Needless to say, UNESCO’s purpose is to “contribute to the maintenance of peace and security, by fostering cooperation among Nations, through education, science and culture with a view to guarantee universal respect of justice, human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
The fact that a major power thus withdraws from an important international organization, on the grounds that it is not satisfied with its operation, despite its being endowed by the Statutes with all the decision-making and supervisory bodies, looks like an unacceptable desertion and an alarming precedent.
2) The United States of America moreover has recently withdrawn from the debates held before the International Court of Justice on the dispute for which the said Court had been legally empowered by Nicaragua.
This is not the right place to address the merits of the matter.
We will thus merely confine ourselves to recalling that, with a judgement dated November 26, 1984 the Court declared its jurisdiction over the case and adjourned it for in depth examination.
On January 18, 1985, after a long period of waver and uncertainties, the American Government decided to withdraw from the debates.
The State Department Spokesman justified that decision whit words that were an insulting contempt of the International Court. He actually declared the following:
“Over the past ten years or more, we have seen, within the U.N., that international organization have been increasingly taking political stands that are against the interests of Western Democracies. Should these trends contaminate the International Court of Justice, it would be a real disaster”.
These words are inconceivable, and especially so, if one considers that with respect to its jurisdiction the Court’s decision of November 26, 1984 was taken with 15 votes in favor and one against (the one of the American judge) while there was unanimous agreement as to the acceptability of the claim.
These desertions and slightly concealed threats against the United Nations system, are -we feel- equally disquieting.
Other addresses could very well be mentioned, made by American official representatives against the United Nations system at large.
The United Nations Organization is certainly a group of States and we are fully aware that what makes our Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples unique is that peoples have thus been recognized as subjects of law.
The fact remains, however, that the United Nations are a major international forum where peoples are entitled to have a say. Whatever cripples them in this time of upheavals and arms race is as a serious threat to the cause of peoples and Peace.
Matarasso, Léo