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Léo Matarasso

Leo Matarasso was a resistance fighter, a communist, an anti-colonialist militant and a defender of the rights of peoples. As a lawyer, he defended many representatives of liberation movements and human rights activists in court; as a jurist, he supported the right to self-determination of oppressed peoples at the UN, UNESCO and in all the most prestigious forums.

In 2020, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of his birth, his friends have decided to remember him so that his life and his struggles can be an example and a stimulus to the younger generations. While Professor Jouve has completed a rich biography of Matarasso, which will go to press in 2023, a collection of an initial nucleus of writings and testimonies has been started on this site, which we hope will be expanded with the contribution of other friends and admirers.

The creation of this site was strongly desired and promoted by Piero Basso, who left us in November 2023. Piero worked tenaciously on this project even in his last days, recommending that it be completed and made usable even when he was no longer with us.
We hope we have kept our promise to him and completed the task according to his instructions and intentions.
We dedicate this work to him.

Léo Matarasso